(Revised 04-12-2013)
The seniors Section of Spalding Golf Club exists by permission of the Management Board of Spalding Golf Club under Rule 32 of the Club Rules. The regulation is known as Regulation 1/98 and is shown as Schedule 1 of these rules.
The purpose of the Seniors Section is to provide organised golf for senior members of the club.
The members of the Seniors Section must always abide by the rules of Spalding Golf Club and also apply the best standards of course etiquette.
These rules are adopted by the members in accordance with the paragraph "SENIORS' SECTION RULES" of Schedule 1 of these rules.
A Copy of these Rules, for the members to read, will be available in a folder with the Minutes of Committee Meetings at the Seniors Section Notice Board. Minutes will also be posted in the Senior Section of the Club website.
A. Regulated by the paragraph "Seniors Section Membership"contained in Schedule 1 of these rules.
B. The apropriate aubscription is determined by the members at the Annual General Meeting. The current members subscriptionis shown in Schedule 2 of these rules.
A. By decisions of members at Annual General Meeting, and other General Meetings.
B. By Committee and Captain elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.
A. Annual General Meeting
c. All proposals are to be voted on by a show of hands unless the Chairman requires a ballot.
d. In all cases a resolution is adopted by simple majority of votes cast.
e. Confirmation that the Vice Captain will become Captain forthwith .
f. Election of Vice Captain for the position of Captain in the following Year.
g. Election of Committee Members.
h. A Financial report (Audited by a person, selected by the Seniors Section Committee, who is not a member of the Committee) showing summarised Income & Expenditure and a Balance Sheet showing Assets & Liabilities.
i. Proposals notified in accordance with these rules.
j. General debate on a proposal made at the AGM may be allowed by the Chairman and a show of hands may be allowed but such a vote cannot be considered as a resolution.
k. The New Captain will address the meeting.
B. Extraordinary General Meeting
I. Called by the Committee when they consider it necessary.
II. Fourteen days notice to be given.
III. The notice is to show the date, time and location of the meeting and also the resolution that is to be considered.
IV. If fifteen members request a Special General Meeting, the Committee must comply with their request. The Committee, being mindful of its obligations, will require that a resolution that interferes with the current management structure must contain an alternative structure for continuation of the Seniors Section.
A. Eight Members
I. Captain.
II. Vice Captain.
III. Secretary.
IV. Treasurer.
V. Competitions Secretary.
VI & VII. Two ordinary Members.
VIII. The retiring captain, for one year only and who shall not be entitled to vote on any matter.
The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.
B. Terms of Office
I. Captain - One year from after the election of Committee Members at the Annual General Meeting
II. Vice-Captain - One year from the end of the Annual General Meeting after which he will serve the following year as Captain.
III. Secretary - Normally for a term of Three Years from the end of the Annual General Meeting.
IV. Treasurer - Normally for a term of Three Years from the end of the Annual General Meeting.
V. Competitions Secretary - Normally for a term of Three Years from the end of the Annual General Meeting.
VI. Ordinary Members - Normally for a term of Three Years from the end of the Annual General Meeting.
VII. To ensure that new members will be elected to the Committee each year the Captain and the longest serving ordinary member will retire at each Annual General Meeting and will not be eligible for re-election for two years. Other Committee members will continue in office.
VIII. New Members will be guaranteed a term of Three Years as a Committee member.
IX. Should the longest serving ordinary member not have served for three years there will be no ordinary member retiring.
X. Should there be insufficient nominations for ordinary membership the two year restriction, mentioned above, in respect of the Captain and retiring ordinary member, will be removed for that year .
XI. Decisions made by previous committees are not binding upon the newly elected committee except for the timetable for matches and competitions that are by necessity arranged before the 1st December in each year.
XII. Honorariums may be paid to some Committee Members, the amount to be determined by Annual General Meeting.
C. Responsibilities
All matters of management of section affairs and the organisation of golf. The Committee will be mindful that they should allow the Captain reasonable latitude in making decisions during his year of office. The expenditure of Senior Section funds is the responsibility of the Committee who may authorise a Committee Member to make payments that they have specified.
I. Captain
The Captain will select all teams
When it is necessary for a decision to be made between Committee Meetings the Captain will make such decisions himself, or after consulting with other members of the Committee. These decisions will have the same affect as if they had been made by the Committee. At the next Committee Meeting such decisions will be either confirmed or modified.
II. Vice Captain
To act as Captain in the absence of the elected Captain and succeed as Captain should he not complete his term of office. This will not affect his automatic promotion to Captain at the AGM.
D. Meetings
I. Held as frequently as the Committee shall determine.
II. A minimum of four members will constitute a quorum.
III. The Captain will act as chairman and in his absence the Vice Captain will act.
IV. In the absence of both the Captain and Vice Captain the members present will elect a Chairman.
V. All votes on a resolution will be by show of hands and where there is an equality of votes the Captain, if present, will have a second and casting vote.
VI. Minutes of the meetings will be held and a copy will be displayed near the 'Seniors Notice Board' for the members to read. Minutes will also be posted on the Club website.
E. Mid Term Vacancies
In the event of a member not fulfilling his term as a member of the Committee, the Committee may:
I. Continue with the remaining members.
II. Co-opt a Section Member as a Committee Member.
III. Take such action as they deem necessary.
5. Competitions
In accordance with the paragraph "Seniors Sections Competitions" the competitions listed in Schedule 2 of these rules, will be played. The first tee will be reserved to the Seniors Section as stated.
6. Matches
In accordance with the paragraph "Seniors Sections Matches & Open Days" the Club Committee have agreed to us arranging matches, on the Spalding course, against other golf clubs. These matches are listed in Schedule 2 of these rules. The first tee will be reserved for us as appropriate.
The Club Committee has agreed to allow us to play these matches from the white tees. The Seniors Captain will decide which tees to use.
All members of the team selected to represent the Spalding Seniors will wear the official club colours as specified in Schedule 2.
All players in away matches will pay a fee as specified in Schedule 2 of these rules.
7. Open Days
In accordance with the paragraph "Seniors Sections Matches & Open Days" the Club Committee have agreed to us arranging two Open Days, one for Men and one for Mixed pairs. The first tee will be reserved for us for a period to be agreed with the Golf Manager. The Committee will decide on the format of these competitions.
8. Seniors Days
There is no provision for reserving tees on Seniors Days when competitions are not being played. However the practice of members of the Seniors Section playing early on Tuesday or Thursday mornings has been followed for a number of years and bearing this in mind the rules shown in Schedule 2 will be followed.
Regulation made pursuant to Rule 32 of the Club
1. Club will permit the existence of a Seniors' Section within the Club consisting of the Club's senior members who elect to become members of the Seniors' Section and pay the appropriate subscription.
2. For the purpose of this Regulation the Club's senior members shall be male members of the Club (whether as full members / weekday members / life members) who
2.1 are age sixty or over; or
2.2 are between the ages of fifty-five and sixty and have retired from full time occupation / employment.
1. The Club will permit the Seniors' Section to extend to senior members of other golf clubs the benefits of the clubhouse and the course for the purpose of playing Seniors' Section matches /holding two Seniors' Section annual open days, one for men and one for mixed competitors.
2. The number of such matches and the dates on which they are to be played are to be subject to the approval of the Club's Golf Manager, and on such match days the first tee may be closed to others than those involved in such matches between such times as may be agreed with the Club's Golf Manager.
3. The date on which such annual open days is to be held is to be subject to the approval of the Club's Golf Manager and on such days the course may be closed to others than those participating in such open days between such times as may be agreed with the Club's Golf Manager.
The Club will permit the Seniors' Section to organise competitions / events for members of the Seniors' Section on Tuesdays when the first tee may be closed to others than those competing in such competitions / participating in such events between such times as may be agreed with the Club's Golf Manager.
For the purpose of providing for the management of the Seniors' Section's affairs and finances the Club will permit the members of the Seniors' Section to adopt rules separate from and additional to the Club Rules providing for the election of Seniors' Section Officers / a Seniors' Section Committee the payment by members of the Seniors' Section of a subscription (additional to and separate from their Club subscriptions) the holding of Seniors' Section annual general meetings / other general meetings and matters germane thereto but so that nothing in such rules is to conflict with anything in the Club Rules (which shall continue to be binding in all respects on the members of the Seniors' Section) or with this Regulation.
Rules of the Seniors Section of Spalding Golf Club
Rules created at Annual General Meeting and can only be amended by Annual General Meeting
1. The Club Colours are:-
Yellow shirt with collar
Navy Blue Jumper
Grey Trousers
These colours are to be worn for all representative matches.
2. "˜Seniors "˜Days'
A. A draw will take place at 7.45AM and again at 8.25AM to determine who will play together. The group will decide for themselves the format they wish to play.
B. It is to be remembered that these "˜Seniors Days' are for friendly social golf with not much emphasis on "˜competing'
C. The preference is for groups of four players but the Captain or
Committee Members present may make adjustments to this as they see fit.
D. Members also meet on Thursdays and those who wish can take part in a similar arrangement to that for Tuesdays
3. Honorariums paid to Committee Members are limited to £100 per annum in total. The amount paid to any member is determined by the Committee and reported in the Minutes of the meeting authorising such payments
4. The current Membership Fee is £3.00 annual. In addition, there is a levy of £1.00 per member, given to the Captain to help defer expenses for his year of office.
5. The Senior Members subscription year shall be 1st January to 31st December.
6. Existing Club members must undertake to join the Seniors Section by paying their membership fee by 31st January in the current subscription year, otherwise they will not be eligible to join the section for that year.
Rules created by the Committee can only be amended by subsequent decisions made by the current Committee
A. The fee for playing in away matches is £1
B. Competitions approved by Club Committee
Medal or Stableford Competition - to be qualifying competitions (If course conditions permit) for handicapping purposes in accordance with the regulations issued by CONGU & EGU
The May June & July Medals to be used to determine the "˜Medal Champion'. This uses the player's two lowest net scores to determine the winner. In the event of equality of total of the two rounds the winner will be decided by a play off under stroke play rules.
The August Stableford competition will be for the John Haydon Trophy.
The September Medal/Stableford will be for the Denis Cary Cup.
Extra Competitions - Are more friendly competitions. The format to be decided by the Committee
Winter League: over the winter months of October to February : "˜A four ball, better ball match play competition' (see the Rules of the Competition)
Other Competitions
Le Sage Singles & Doubles Match Play Knock out Competitions.
For the Pairs competition a draw is made by separating the entries by those with the lower handicaps from those with the higher handicaps and pairing one from each selection. The exact handicap will be used to determine the dividing point.
All matches are to be played on or before the specified date.
If a match is not completed before the specified date and arrangements have not been made for the match to be played on that day a competitor(s) who present themselves to play at 9:00 on that date will be awarded the match. If none of the competitors present themselves all will be disqualified
Permission has been received, from the Club Committee, allowing the Seniors Section to invite the following clubs to play matches at Spalding.
Matches will also be arranged to play these clubs on their courses.
For matches at Spalding the teams will comprise of 16 players in eight pairs. Permission has been received to play from the White Tees.
The Captain will decide separately for each match which tees will be used.
Belton Park
Boston West
Burghley Park
South Kyme
Kings Lynn
Peterborough Milton
Royal Cromer
` Sleaford
Stoke Rochford
Sutton Bridge
Thorney Lakes
Toft Hotel
Woodhall Spa
In addition, permission has also been granted for matches to be played on an alternate bi-annual basis against Luffenham Heath and Canwick Park.
A match against the Spalding Ladies and a competition jointly with the Spalding Ladies is allowed.
The Board have agreed that the Seniors Section could have annually an Exchange Day with another club on a date to be agreed with the Club Golf Manager.